Oct 24th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.10.24]
- Rwanda Genocide: French Role in Slaughter under Investigation – SPIEGEL
The Rwandan government has alleged since 1994 that French soldiers trained and armed some of the Hutus that carried out the massacre, and also allowed Hutu extremists to enter camps set up to protect Tutsis.
(tags: news)
- Lieberman’s Words on War Show Some Shifts – NYT
NYT gives examples of Leiberman’s self-serving shifting positions on Iraq.
(tags: 9/11 dangerous-idiots iraq hypocrisy)
- BBC | US ‘cannot stay course’ in Iraq
A senior US state department official earlier said that the US has shown "arrogance and stupidity" in Iraq.
(tags: news iraq)
- Whiskey Bar: Friends in High Places
Time magazine is reporting that Rep. Jane Harman, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, is under investigation for her ties to the Israel lobby
(tags: politics israel)
- And the Winner Is … Me – NYT
Republican nominee, Kenneth Blackwell, who is also the Ohio secretary of state, could rule that his opponent is ineligible to run because of a technicality.
(tags: banana-republic elections)
- Guardian | FO’s human rights report omits attacks on Lebanon
Margaret Beckett, the foreign secretary, told a press conference the omission was because the timing was "a little bit tight" for publication. She said she anticipated the war being dealt with more fully in next year’s report.
But the authors did find sufficient time to include criticism of the Lebanese-based guerrilla group Hizbullah, and one of its backers, Syria, over attacks on Israel and to provide a figure for Israeli, but not Lebanese, casualties.
(tags: israel human-rights hypocrisy middle-east)
- Guardian | ITN reporter Terry Lloyed unlawfully killed, inquest rules
ITN reporter Terry Lloyd was unlawfully killed when he came under fire from American troops in Iraq, a coroner ruled today.
Andrew Walker, the assistant deputy coroner of Oxfordshire, said he would take steps to see if the soldiers responsible could be brought to justice.
(tags: iraq)
- BBC | Low-caste Hindus adopt new faith
Thousands of people have been attending mass ceremonies in India at which hundreds of low-caste Hindus (Dalits) converted to Buddhism and Christianity.
The events in the central city of Nagpur are part of a protest against the injustices of India’s caste system.
(tags: india human-rights)
- Expecting U.S. Help, Sent to Guantánamo – NYT
Mr. Ginco … had gone to Afghanistan in 2000 after running away from his strict Muslim father. He was soon imprisoned by the Taliban, and tortured by operatives of Al Qaeda until, he said, he falsely confessed to being a spy for Israel and the United States.
But rather than help Mr. Ginco return home, American soldiers detained him again. Nearly five years later, he remains in the United States military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba…
(tags: human-rights terrorism)
- Competitive Era Fails to Shrink Electric Bills – NYT
A decade after competition was introduced in their industries, long-distance phone rates had fallen by half, air fares by more than a fourth and trucking rates by a fourth. But a decade after the federal government opened the business of generating electricity to competition, the market has produced no such decline.
(tags: corruption neolib politics right-nuttery)

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Oct 13th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.10.13]
- Bankers for poor win peace Nobel – CNN.com
Bangladeshi microcredit pioneer Muhammad Yunus and his Grameen Bank were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for their work in advancing economic and social opportunities for the poor, particularly women.
(tags: economics feminism people news)
- BBC | Pamuk wins Nobel Literature prize
Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk has won the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature.
(tags: news)
- China Makes Commitment to Social Harmony – NYT
The leadership declared that a range of social concerns, including the surging wealth gap, corruption, pollution and access to education and medical care, must be placed on a par with economic growth in party theory and government policy.
(tags: news)
- Guardian | French MPs pass Armenian genocide bill
The French lower house of parliament today passed a bill making it a crime to deny that Armenians suffered genocide at the hands of Ottoman Turks after the first world war.
(tags: politics)
- Paper: Detainee Lawyer Must Leave Navy
The Navy lawyer who led a successful Supreme Court challenge of the Bush administration’s military tribunals for detainees at Guantanamo Bay has been passed over for promotion and will have to leave the military, The Miami Herald reported Sunday.
(tags: politics)
- That Which Simmers Is Not to Be Dissed – NYT
Time was when it seemed safe to regard the works of Plato as intellectually superior to the racy romance novels of, say, Nora Roberts. In underground Washington, those days are over.
(tags: misc)
- [BW] No Bush Left Behind
The President’s brother Neil is making hay from school reform…
(tags: corruption)
- Group: U.S. had secret prison in Germany – Yahoo!
The alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and other detainees may have been held and interrogated at a U.S. air base in Germany after they were captured, a British human rights group said Friday. Germany denied the claim.
(tags: 9/11 BushTracker human-rights)
- Pentagon to probe Gitmo beatings claim
"From the whole conversation, I understood that striking detainees was a common practice," the sergeant wrote. "Everyone in the group laughed at the others’ stories of beating detainees."
(tags: BushTracker human-rights)
- Strmz Video: Clinton Says Cheney Party to Saddam Atrocities in ’80’s
…I think they thought [the Iraqi invasion] might clean their own skirts a little since most of what Saddam did that was really terrible, he did when he had the full support of the Republican administrations in the 80’s — of which Dick Cheney was a part.
(tags: iraq human-rights BushTracker hypocrisy)
- BBC | Canada in protest over rendition
Canada is to make a formal protest to the United States over the case of a Canadian man deported to Syria in 2002 over suspected al-Qaeda links.
(tags: BushTracker racism terrorism)

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Oct 6th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.10.06]
Sep 29th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.09.29]
Sep 25th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.09.24]
Sep 20th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.09.20]
Sep 18th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.09.18]
Aug 29th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.08.29]
Aug 28th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.08.28]
Aug 26th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.08.26]