Sep 27th, 2006 by ravi
Sex sells, CIA leaks no big deal

Fitzgerald investigation into national security compromise: $1.4m, 3 years. Ken Starr obsession with blowjob: $71m, 8 years. Barrett interest in Cisneros extramarital affair: $21m, 10 years. Republican faux outrage over Fitzgerald (a Republican)? Priceless!

CIA Leak Probe Relatively Inexpensive – WaPo

Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald, who investigated whether senior Bush administration officials illegally leaked the name of a CIA operative for political payback, has spent $1.4 million in his probe over the past three years, his office reported yesterday — a figure that establishes him as remarkably frugal in the ranks of recent special investigators.

Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr’s investigations of President Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica S. Lewinsky and his ties to the failed Whitewater land investment cost $71.5 million and took eight years. Independent Counsel David M. Barrett’s examination of Clinton housing secretary Henry G. Cisneros over an extramarital affair and potential illegal payments cost $21 million and lasted 10 years.

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