Jan 16th, 2006 by ravi
Is Western Liberalism so uniquely Western?

In left circles in the USA I have heard the (at times grudging, or at other times even proud) acceptance/declaration of the notion that Western Liberalism (or Western Democracy) is the better of available systems, past and present. While one part of this notion, that liberalism or democracy are positive systems, is unambiguous (and even agreeable) to me, I have been confounded by what clarification or addition is provided by the prefix “Western”.

Perhaps the simple fact that many non-Western nations have a relatively short history at democracy excludes them from contributing to the idea of it? That this short history is a consequence of the colonialism of these same Western nations is surely not unworthy of consideration in such a conclusion? Or is it? It could be argued that while the latter is a sad and deplorable truth about the double-faced advance of democracy in the West, it does not change the factual record of democratic and liberal thought and movements.

In his new book, The Argumentative Indian Sen speaks to this very issue as he tracks the history of the development of the argumentative tradition in India (one non-Western nation that gained independence from colonialism in 1947 and has, apart from a brief period of emergency, retained a democratic form of government):

From Sen’s “The Argumentative Indian” (hardcover, 2005):

Pages 12-14:

The historical roots of democracy in India are well worth
considering, if only because the connection with public
argument is often missed, through the temptation to
attribute the Indian commitment to democracy simply to
the impact of British influence […]. [I]n general, the
tradition of public reasoning is closely related to the
roots of democracy across the globe. But since India has
been especially fortunate in having a long tradition of
public arguments, with toleration of intellectual
heterodoxy, this general connection has been particularly
effective in India. When, more than half a century ago,
independent India became the first country in the
non-Western world to choose a resolutely democratic
constitution, it notonly used what it had learned
from the institutional experiences in Europe and America
(particularly Great Britain), it also drew on its own
tradition of public reasoning and argumentative


It is very important to avoid the twin pitfalls of (1)
taking democracy to be just a gift of the Western world
that India simply accepted when it became independent,
and (2) assuming that there is something unique in
Indian history that makes the country singularly suited
to democracy. The point, rather, is that democracy is
intimately connected with public discussion and
interactive reasoning. Traditions of public discussion
exist across the world, not just in the West.


Even though it is very often repeated that democracy is
a quintessentially Western idea and practice, that view is
extremely limited because of its neglect of the intimate
connections between public reasoning and the
development of democracy – a connection that has been
profoundly explored by contemporary philosophers […].


Pages 75-80:

In that large tradition, there is indeed much to be proud
of [he is talking about Indian achievements that the
expat community could take pride in –ravi], including
some ideas for which India gets far less credit than it
could plausibly expect. Consider, for example, the
tradition of public reasoning. Even though the
importance of dialogue and discussion has been
emphasized in the history of many countries in the
world, the fact that the Indian subcontinent has a
particularly strong tradition in recognizing and pursuing
a dialogic commitment is certainly worth noting,
especially in the darkening world — with violence and
terrorism — in which we live. It is indeed good to
remember that some of the earliest open public
deliberations in the world were hosted in India to
discuss different points of views, with a particularly
large meeting arranged by Ashoka in the third century
BCE. It is good to remember also that Akbar
championed — even that was four hundred years ago
— the necessity of public dialogues and backed up his
conviction by arranging actual dialogues between
members of different faiths. […]

It is at this time rather common in Western political
discussions to assume that tolerance and the use of
reason are quintessential — possibly unique —
features of “Occidental values”: for example, Samuel
Huntington has insisted that the “West was West long
before it was modern” and that the “sense of
individualism and a tradition of individual rights and
liberties” to be found in the West are “unique among
civilized societies”. Given the fair degree of ubiquity
that such perceptions have in the modern West, it is
perhaps worth noting that issues of individual rights
and liberties have figured in discussions elsewhere as
well, not least in the context of emphasizing the
importance of the individual’s right of
decision-making, for example about one’s religion.

There has been support as well as denial of such rights
in the history of both Europe and India, and it is hard
to see that the Western experience in support of these
rights is peculiarly “unique among civilized societies”.
For example, when Akbar was issuing his legal order
that “no man should be interfered with on account of
religion, and anyone is to be allowed to go over to a
religion that pleases him”, and was busy arranging
dialogues between Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jains,
Parsees, Jews and even atheists, Giordano Bruno was
being burnt at the stake in Rome for heresy, in the
public space of Campo dei Fiori.

The quoted sections above offer only a small glimpse into Sen’s thought on the matter, but even this short bit of text makes a compelling argument against intentional or unintentional regional chauvinism (if that’s the right phrase).

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6 Responses

  • Bitch | Lab says:

    huh. I’ve always used it, not because I was assuming the Western was the only place these values existed, but because I thought it important not to be presumptuous. And, a’ course, most of the time, I’m engaged in a critique of Western liberalism so I wouldn’t be interested in tagging some other poor culture with that burden. :) That last bit is tongue-in-cheek, of course.

    I’m busy modifying a theme for the blog — I love this one BTW — so I’ll link back as part of blog maintenance day today.

  • ravi says:

    K, good point (that the motivation for the qualifier might be humility not pride ;-)).

    Waiting to check out your new theme (just went over to the Lab — is that valid usage? — and was greeted with the traditional ;-) whip n’ leather theme, so I am assuming the new theme is not up yet).

    Have you seen the Hemingway theme (@ WordPress.com)? I like it… its a bit buggy though and does not do blogrolls.

  • Bitch | Lab says:

    Hemingway? Nope. I’ll check it out.

    Well, that last bit, about not wanting to tag another culture, has it’s downsides, too. E.g., sometimes it means that the person is romanticizing other cultures: Western liberal societies suck, are alienating,etc., but dem native peeps, they know where it’s at! That can be pretty condescending, too, as you no doubt know. ;)

    I’m trying to remember if it was in critiques of Levi-Strauss’s _Little Glass of Run_ that I read that.

  • ravi says:

    Re: romanticizing other cultures

    The reasoning is similar to the feminist lament that putting women on a pedestal is also a form of oppression (wrong word?) since glorifying/romanticizing denies them equality as an equally flawed individual (ack, I need to write that better).

    I see the point: I hate it when well-intentioned Westerners assume I am intelligent simply because I am Indian ;-). And I am only half-joking…

    But that said, I hope we are heading towards a synthesis with these revisions (first reviling the natives, then glorifying them, then criticizing the glorification, etc) and not seesawing. The Western left, at least sections of it, now seems to have too intolerant a view on “romanticizing”. I am referring here to the barrage of criticism faced by someone like Vandana Shiva. But perhaps this is grist for another entry?

  • Bitch | Lab says:

    The reasoning is similar to the feminist lament that putting women on a pedestal is also a form of oppression (wrong word?) since glorifying/romanticizing denies them equality as an equally flawed individual (ack, I need to write that better).

    I think a better analogy would be the way cultural feminists have, historically, claimed that, because women are not the oppressors, then they have access to the truth in a way that men do not. Marxists see it, sometimes, as the claim that, since non-Western people are outside the circuits of capital, then they haven’t been warped and deformed — entrapped in — capitalism’s ideologies. As a consquence, they are more likely to rebel agaisnt capitalism. In some respects, Spivak is criticizing the post colonial studies group for engaging in such an analysis.

    But, she doesn’t want a seesaw, I don’t think. I think she genuinely wanted to advance postcolonial studies.

    Other times, it’s just silly stereotypes, and I personally haven’t seen very many positive ones advanced. Although, in the media, it’s often the black man in a buddy flick who gets to be the wise one, the down-to-earth one, the one who is family . E.g., Danny Glover’s character in Lethal Weapon who anchors the guy who runs with his emotions, the one who has flighty ideas, the one who stays single. Mel Gibson’s character gets to be ground, anchored, and have a family — whenever he feels like it. I always thought that was encapusulated nicely in the scene where Gibson does his laundry at Glover’s house, wanders to the kitchen to drink milk out of the carton.

    I dont know about the crits against Vandana Shiva. I have read you talking about Arundhati Roy, though, and I always got the impression that you were criticizing her for playing off certain romaniticizing stereotypes of Indians. But, then, ASSuming isn’t always a good thing to do, huh?

  • Doyle Saylor says:

    Ravi, my interest in Sen has to do with his relationship to the philospher, Martha Nussbaum. Apparently Sen has influenced Nussbaum about capabilities. Nussbaum places that in argumentative form against John Rawls in one of her books. And uses capabilities to both extend disability rights and to look seriously at animal rights and how global systems might evolve.

    I’m not familiar with Sen enough to comment on him in the sense I might of Habermas. Do you know Sen enough to say more?
    Doyle Saylor

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