Aug 29th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.08.29]
Aug 29th, 2006 by ravi
Vladimir Tretchikoff
BBC has a report on Vladimir Tretchikoff, "king of kitch", who has passed away. A website about him claims that prints of his The Chinese Girl (right) are the largest selling of all time.
The website includes a gallery of pictures many of which are quite interesting. Also see: Wikipedia page about him; Art.com poster gallery.
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Aug 28th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.08.28]
Aug 26th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.08.26]
Aug 25th, 2006 by ravi
Defining “non”-analytical philosophy
Leiter reports has a guest blog entry by Jason Stanley, that provides a fair[er] definition of that type of philosophy that is not considered "analytical":
Soames attempts to make this distinction when he writes that analytic philosophy is characterized by “an elevation of the goals of truth and knowledge over inspiration, moral uplift, and spiritual comfortâ€. I reject Soames’s categorization, because it makes it sound like the options are to seek truth and knowledge or to find religion. I would rather mark it as the quite different distinction between, on the one hand, philosophy that treats phenomena apart from their cultural and historical context, versus philosophy that looks at phenomena mainly through an anthropological lens.
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Aug 25th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.08.25]
- [BBC] Protests over Survivor ‘tribes’
Hispanics Across America founder Fernando Mateo called the move an "offensive and cheap trick" to boost ratings.
"The participants will be held to the daunting and unfair challenge of representing an entire race of people," he said.
"What will it mean for a team – a race – to fail in a battle of wits and strength against another race?"
(tags: news racism entertainment)

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Aug 24th, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.08.24]
Aug 23rd, 2006 by ravi
Ducking the ethical issues
The city of Chicago, in a moment of surprising enlightenment, passed a law banning the sale of foie gras. The response? Civil disobedience from restaurateurs and a indignation from the already overfed population. Curtailment of civil rights? No problem. Illegal and immoral war? Who cares. Lesser cruelty towards animals? NO WAY, dude!
What is pathetic about this is the lack of a meaningful response in terms of the ethical issues raised. Instead naive individual choice arguments are offered to justify personal opinion. Some counts offer the staggering number of six billion animals killed each year for human consumption (the number perhaps is approximate and is intentionally coincidental with the current human population). At least the Germans just stood by while horror was committed around them.
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Aug 23rd, 2006 by bookie
Links and News [2006.08.23]
Aug 23rd, 2006 by ravi
Israeli buffoonery continues
How do you get from the image of the most advanced and successful fighting force in the world to a pathetic joke, in the period of one month?
Israel holds Nasrallah
Publication time: Today at 12:26 Djokhar time
Unfortunately for the embarrassed Israelis, he was the local green grocer – not the head of Lebanon's Hezbollah group.
Leah Tzemel, the Israeli lawyer who obtained their release on Monday, said Israel had snatched the four Nasrallahs and their neighbour on August 1 in a commando raid in the Hezbollah stronghold of Baalbek in northeastern Lebanon.
It would all be hilarious if the IDF silliness did not involve the death of others (15 people in this case).
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