Comments for Plato's Beard whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must make random noises Thu, 17 May 2012 00:55:09 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Ultimate Fight Activist by Anonymous Thu, 17 May 2012 00:55:09 +0000 Why do you ask any questions and why are they sooooo long? ( boring )Nothing effects you, you are richSo why careWhat happens will happen and there is nothing you can do about it. If there was, the republicans would have wonIf you are not part of the solutionthen you are part of the problemTake another pill ]]> Comment on OWS and its detractors by ravi Sun, 20 Nov 2011 02:27:50 +0000 thank you ]]> Comment on OWS and its detractors by shag Wed, 16 Nov 2011 22:23:31 +0000 there’s a really interesting analysis of the positioning of the writer/speaker as outside OWS at this blog, permanent crisis. It’s written from an anarchist-sympathetic perspective and the “open letters to OWS” that the author examines are speaking to OWS, not to “us” as Dean does. Nonetheless, I think you can make the case that, although they are writing *to* OWS, they are also writing to each other, to “us” who are outside. I mean, it’s propaganda or, in some cases polemics (tho the writer pretends to friendliness but uses ad hominem and logical fallacy as “polite” ways of pretending friendliness while really engaging in a kind of “trashing”).

Anyway, the author doesn’t have any conclusions, I just thought it was interesting, another collection of “letters to OWS”.

Comment on OWS and its detractors by shag Wed, 16 Nov 2011 12:04:01 +0000 love! ]]> Comment on OWS: reporting and reality by shag Wed, 16 Nov 2011 11:39:00 +0000 I have watched these assorted jabs “supporters” take at OWS. I say jabs because it reminds me of the way an unskilled boxer just flails around with no, uhhhn.,.., strategy to win. lol it’s like they want to find failure. In the case of some of them, it’s obvious that the reason they want failure is that everything about OWS defies their previous analyses of what’s wrong with the left.

Doug’s animosity is pretty simple. He doesn’t like the business about prefiguring the society you’d like to live in now. And the reason he doesn’t like it is that it might require what I referred to in a post – “conscious social reproduction.” Instead of simply reproduce, for instance, gendered social relations, you make an attempt to challenge them by turning to new social norms.

The way they run a progressive stack at GA is an example. Instead, of just taking names and stacking people to speak as they indicate a desire to speak, they progressively stack it by making sure that voices that have been historically underrepresented are heard. When Angela Davis spoke, for instance, they progressively stacked so that women of color were the first ones to ask questions. When someone asked to speak, the woman running stack said (paraphrase from memory), “So and so always has something to say, has had ample opportunities to speak, is there anyone else who would like to ask a question?”

Basically, in this case, it wasn’t about race or gender at this point, it was simply about a person who feels really confidant about speaking, always has a question, yadda being asked to step aside so others who are more shy and less confident can feel comfortable speaking.

As someone who is ‘that guy’ and can yak up a storm, I’m acutely aware that lots of people aren’t so comfortable but have genius things to say. I’m a one percenter who should be taxed more in that regard! :)

I think that is the thing that offends some people the most. If this approach to social movement making gets off the ground and becomes a dominant way of doing things, some folks are deeply threatened by that.

But more than that, what OWS is is an example of people fully capable of having an analysis that Doug has argued against on the grounds that such an analysis of anti-racism anti-sexism and the like simply isn’t radical. It produces a politics that is no politics at all. It produces people who are unwittingly supporting neo-liberalism. etc. etc. And yet people with that sort of politics, people who would call themselves anti-racist, anti-sexist, etc. are actually putting a class analysis (as mild as it is) at the center of the politics.

They’d predicted that the mere support for anti-racist politics couldn’t produce even the glimmer of a radical analysis.

But it did.

guess i’ll have to post that at the blog. ha ha

Comment on OWS and its detractors by Plato’s Beard » Blog Archive » OWS: reporting and reality Tue, 15 Nov 2011 01:59:08 +0000 […] I wrote about the strange analysis of OWS from the Left by Jodi Dean. In my comment I expressed some doubt […] ]]> Comment on Noam Chomsky on vegetarianism and animal rights by ravi Thu, 08 Sep 2011 19:18:17 +0000 Please contact the original publisher at ]]> Comment on Noam Chomsky on vegetarianism and animal rights by The Prisma - The Multicultural Newspaper Thu, 08 Sep 2011 18:09:49 +0000 Dear Plato’s beard

We are a multicultural newspaper interesting in reproducing this interview. Please let us know if there is any copyright.
The Prisma team

Comment on Criticism of Pomo Feminism by milo milo Sat, 30 Jul 2011 02:32:38 +0000 I added this remark before but in case they weren’t received:

I forgot to mention that Plotnitsky used to teach Irigarary, whom he sometimes jokingly referred to as “one of the crazies,” to remind us how Sokal, in his pretentious ignorance, referred to her and, presumably, still does.

You can learn all you need to about Sokal’s mind-boggling incompetence in these matters by reading his bizarre complaints about Irigaray’s utterly uncontroversial comments about boundaries of vague predicates. (E.g., a ‘D’ morphed into an ‘O’ and back. Where is the boundary of ‘D’? Is there one?) Sokal tells us that these concerns are addressed in differential topology. In differential topology!! I’m not kidding.

And the readers say, “Yes, wise one. Yes.” It’s as if the inmates
are running the asylum. Hooray for scholarship.

Comment on Criticism of Pomo Feminism by milo Mon, 25 Jul 2011 21:05:55 +0000 I just came across this admirably civil comment. Here is reply six years late.

1) What possible interpretation of Irigaray’s quote isn’t ridiculous?

Ask Arkady Potnitsky what Irigaray means.

Some of Arkady’s credentials: All but Ph.D. in mathematics with Gromov (one of the world’s greatest mathematicians) in the USSR, graduate studies in physics in the USSR, Ph.D. in English literature in England, doctoral thesis on the history of the romance novel, currently professor of literature at Purdue, kindly helped to save Sokal even greater embarrassment by explaining that the humanists he mocked for talking nonsense about chaos theory were not talking about chaos theory. They were talking about chaos in the original sense of the term (e.g., as in Milton).

Also, see how Nagel’s gibberish about special relativity theory is handled in the section “Hatchet jobs” of “Reading and relativism.”

2) You can’t just fall back on the old “it was a just a metaphore/joke/ironic remark” every time someone points out the falsity of such claims.

I agree. However, I see no false claim here on the part of Irigaray. It’s rather that Sokal outrageously misrepresents what she says to make it seem so. (E.g., by his apparently willful misunderstanding of Irigaray’s use of the term “privileged.”)
